Visualization Gallery Unity Engine Development Kit

This course is designed to be an introduction to using a specialized camera system made for the Unity development environment for use in the Visualization Spaces at North Carolina State University; those being the Cyma Rubin Visualization Gallery at D. H. Hill Jr. Library and the Teaching and Visualization Lab at James B. Hunt Jr. Library.

New to Unity?

Please note that this is not an introduction to Unity. To follow along with this course, we assume that you already have a fundamental understanding of using the Unity environment. If you are new to Unity, please consider looking at Unity Learn and follow the Unity Essentials Pathway as it contains guided learning experiences that will help you understand the basics of Unity. Referencing the direct Unity Documentation can also provide further information and assistance if needed.

Camera Options

There are two camera system options available for the Visualization Gallery, one for a 3D environment and the other for a 2D environment. There is a 3D camera system for the Teaching and Visualization Lab. There is also an emulator for the Visualization Gallery that can be used to test to see how a project will look without having to be in the space. Select the option below “Select Camera” that best suits your purposes and follow the instructions given within.

Select Camera